Should your organization offer a DirectionNOW program for your students?

Is the DirectionNOW program a fit for your school? 
Do you have a clear strategy to help each student know what they do best and how they can maximize their education and career by planning in a way that fully fits them?

Read each question before answering.
Upon completion, add up your score and record it in the "Total Score" box.

Strongly Agree = 5 pts      Agree = 4 pts     Neutral = 3 pts     Disagree = 2 pts     Strongly Disagree = 1 pt


 Organization Assessment


Full Name: *


Organization's Name: *


Contact Number: *


Email Address: *

Our students would benefit from having greater clarity in what they are uniquely gifted to accomplish.

Our students may demonstrate more motivation to “own their own education” if they are able to connect their future dreams with present studies.

Our students would benefit from having individual attention paid to their aspirations, aptitudes and hopes for the future.

Our school would better serve in guiding students to their next school or career if we added more focus on helping students discover their dreams and diagnose their challenges.

Part of the vision and/or mission of our school is to help our students best succeed in their calling or career.

Our students have not received extensive career and calling discovery and assessment through their education so far.

Our students would benefit in their future learning endeavor by understanding their educational and learning aptitudes.

Our school’s guidance counselor(s) would  benefit by having someone pay special attention to students who lack motivation or clear direction.

Our school would be willing to invest some time in resources in a process that helped or students gain focus and intentionality before spending more on their education or watching them flounder in career.

Our school could help facilitate meetings between students, their parents and a coach who could could articulate their gifts, abilities and passions they see in them.

 Total score:

Ready to get started? Click here to register for the DirectionNOW program!

Still have questions?  Click here to contact us!